okay you can hold on what’s going on with Hector today it’s been a very healthy bird never have any problems this is the first time we actually bring him to a vet oh wow been with US 31 years I got Hector from a sanctury where he was only just 2 months and we’ve never been without him in the house ever it’s got a ring on a foot that um is been giving stress to him they put you just actually can stand on the oh okay so Hector doesn’t actually want to put weight on the foot as well he was having trouble perching
and the owners think it’s because of the identification ring that is around his ankle you can see there’s swelling around there isn’t there pressure okay I think that’s actually has affecting my baby Gerardo now notices Hector has another serious problem the feather chewing and stuff has happened at the same time is that right yes they’re starting to lose feathers so he was a bit stressed the ring is actually causing him quite a lot of discomfort the plan today is to remove that ring from Hector’s anle we love him so much it’s
okay my short little procedure and then you will feel a lot better oh yes’s going to look after you that’s right this is possibly the nicest coatu I’ve ever met despite his big beak and sharp claws Hector was a sweet coatu you’ll be good all right I’m not abandoning you luckily it wasn’t in it’s all right mate I’ll take care of you [Music] today at the Bondi veteranary Hospital proud new pup mom Sarah has brought in her 11we old golden retriever Rufus to see Kate we met him first at 4 weeks old and then
we got him at 8 weeks old so he’s a member of our family um and yeah we just want him to be well my husband and I don’t have children so this is was going to be our little baby and um we’ve been hello ruie how are you most people around here know that God retrievers are definitely my favorite dogs I wouldn’t have anything else and I always say to people everyone in their life needs a golden retriever at least once it’s been going on we think he’s peeing too much he pees and then he pees again and then he pees
again come on let’s have a look at you come on baby he’s eating he’s drinking there’s no problem there but there’s the constant squatting and do you reckon he’s been lethargic yes definitely we’ve noticed that and the drooling is the I’ve seen rofus before and that dog is usually bouncing off the walls it’s a fast little heart it is isn’t it why is it so fast I’m not sure there’s a whole bunch of different signs that are really not related to just the straining to urinate the fast heart rate the not wanting to eat the leagy doesn’t
make any sense so I’m going to keep him here with me we’re going to run some bloods on him let’s just get a blood panel down don’t stress he’ll be safe and sound here and I will call you as soon as I know something great hey this is Rufus isn’t he cute hi oh he sick sick I don’t know what’s I don’t know I don’t know what’s going on so he’s straining to urinate I need to get some blood off him I don’t know what’s wrong with him at this point honestly [Music] boy good boy ruus it’s okay I’m going to
send these offers in Urgent these blood results are going to tell us quite a lot and give us a little bit more pieces of our puzzle so we can actually hopefully find a lead that we can follow through there you go good boy good boy I’ll see you in a bit okay come back and get you in a minute [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay here we are in Sydney Audrey and Allison are answering an SOS from a worried cat owner she’s found all these horrible lesions all over its face we don’t know if it’s scratch all over it
neck and its ears and whether it’s flea problem so we’ll go check it out Mickey where are you come on the vet’s going to come now come on Amber has two cats 19-year-old Reuben and 10-year-old Mickey woo hi hi Amber hi good come here here to see Mickey he’s not well no poor thing Mickey’s about 10 years old and we’ve had him since he was a kitten 6 months old he belonged to a neighbor but he decided he liked us better your vets are here Mickey he probably hiding I’m sure he’s hiding I’m sure he’s around here
somewhere so we get down on our hands and knees oh yep there he is shy Mickey knows something’s up oh good job there he is there we go oh oh so we get the cat out we pop it on the table and we give it an initial check okay and so how is he in himself is he eating and drinking okay that’s fine that’s normal uh but he’s just miserable he’s just lost his joy for life I think we’re going to have to take him out to the van have a really good look at these Legions maybe take a sample as well and he’s getting a little
bit stressed so we’ll pop him in his carrier and we’ll carry him out be interested to see if it’s [Music] fungal okay you want to stay in there it does look very comfy all right ready let’s have a look this looks unusual doesn’t it it looks like a secondary infection to analogy something like that I just have it very itchy buddy aren’t you so we got Mickey into the van and we’re having a really good look and it just looks nasty it’s wey here it’s scaly it looks very sore so we take out our UV lamp Okay
let’s shine this UV light on oh no look at that look at that Vision I know don’t worry come on don’t worry in Bondi Kate has treding to work out why new pup Rufus is so lethargic and having trouble weeing Bloods are back for Rufus oh wow oh my gosh bad bad anemia bad bad we’ve got high this low that none of which is piecing together at all all of them abnormal and that is making me pretty darn worried what else have we got cortisol why is cortisol so low is he got Addison Addison’s disease is where you
don’t have functional adrenal glands that is the hormones that are secreted from your adrenal glands are not being secreted and that’s life-threatening rufus’s worried owner Sarah is waiting anxiously at home for any updates about her precious boy hello Sarah ruy is fine but I did want to let you know that the Bloods have come through and there’s quite a lot of abnormalities in these Bloods what we need to do sort of as a priority now is that we need to to do an ultrasound so I’ve got a a specialist coming in this
afternoon and we’ll know a little bit more after that so I’ll keep in touch Kate hoping the ultrasound will provide more clues about rufus’s puzzling blood results and rule out deadly Addison’s disease so what’s happened with Rufus so little Rufus he’s been straining to urinate guess it’s always a worry if they’re having trouble urinating so yeah we need to check that out specialist Dr Michael Linton will be performing the ultrasound so I’m having a look at his bladder first what I’m looking for in a case like Rufus is is
there a functional obstruction or you know something blocking the ability for rofus to urinate whether that be a little bladder stone whether that be a growth of some sort from a poet to a urinary tract infection so we can just see here there’s a little I guess thickening there and that’s the point where the urer which I can see the little tube there goes into the bladder itself it’s not clear if the thickening in rufus’s bladder is caused by infection or a structural abnormality so as a precaution the little pup will be
started on an immediate course of antibiotics what’s wrong with you you’re like a puzzle I know you’re like a naughty cute puzzle Kate is still hoping to rule out deadly Addison’s disease and now wants to do another important test I’m going to run an act stimulation test and that’s a specialized test for Addison’s disease and give him Chicken Treats at the same time thanks Dr Angela I’m definitely going to get to the bottom of this I just want him to be [Music] [Applause] okay okay Hector it’s time we’re not
going very far we’re just here at the emergency hospital gerado is about to try to remove a metal ring that’s biting into to the pet [ __ ] two’s ankle I’m going to give you a little bit of antic gas and then we’re going to take that ring off your leg okay good boy Hector there we go in the beak there we go oh fit perfect for the oxygen going on Yep this is where he’s been feather plucking Gerardo suspects stress from the painful ring might also be causing Hector to chew his own feathers now what I need to do is
remove the ring without causing causing Hector any more trauma it’s actually starting to dig in so every time he bends his ankle I think it starts it with pressure there the ring is in the shape of a sea and it’s not welded so hopefully I can use pliers and pry open the ring without having to use anything to cut [Music] it okay sweet okay there we go see how much we loosened it oh that’s there we go that’s loosened but not loose enough it’s time for some heavy duty equipment trusty bulk Cutters if I’m not careful I
could potentially cut skin or even cut bone and that is something we definitely don’t want you ready yeah okay closing down oh be super careful here if I’m want to catch anything 100% certain but certain go C you down close your eyes done it looks okay doesn’t Hector’s leg looks perfect there’s no penetration in the skin there I can see that there is no injuries that require me to administer any medications or anything like that darling okay oh did he wake up already yeah oh it’s okay like what where what happened where to
go he it’s all gone okay I’m going to put your bed for a little bit mate and then you can slowly wake up hey Hector here we [Applause] go oh no in Sydney look at that lesion Audrey and Allison are checking nasty skin lesions on 10-year-old Mickey look at that border the perly just glowing down the hair the fact that it’s doing that on the newest Legion and around the periphery is so these Legions are glowing there’s a bright green color around the edges it’s definitely a positive for fungal infection called
ringworm oh buddy look buddy that’s impressive so ringworm can turn pretty nasty it tends to spread like wild fire in cats it can spread to the other cat oh that’s a good one oh look at that now we’re worried because this can spread to us it’s a zerotic infection M so we should probably clean up put some gloves on so let’s take all the precautions gloves it is so we’re giving him a fungal bar so we’re using a special antifungal shampoo and just rubbing that onto the areas for about 10 minutes they so
good there is the place to play soccer so I’m going to clean all around his head it’s quite interesting because actually is spreading on all the areas he’s scratching with his back foot so I think he’s actually scratching one spot and then spreading it all around his face and neck although the special shampoo will help soothe Mickey’s badly inflamed skin he’s not looking too impressed when when we had the light just shining on his claws and his paws they were glowing as well so that’s probably where he’s spreading it from so
we’ll left the medicated shampoo on now for 10 minutes and now we’re going to pop the cream on it’s a fungal cream and that’s going to help clear up that fungal infection a lot quicker okay let’s go tell Mom the bad news huh oh wow Hector don’t you look good mate on the Coast Hector the Cocker 2 has recovered well after Gerard removed a metal ring that was cutting into his leg look at you walking around using that claw good boy Hector I can see him moving around like as if he had no injuries at all so I super happy with
the result I think it’s time for you to go home what do you think sisters Anna and Lily are waiting anxiously it’s okay let’s go I have to call and I have to say how is he going cuz Mom’s like can you please find out yeah even she wasn’t her she said I hope he doesn’t die and I said mom’s not going to die hey team here is Hector I’m so excited hello baby H love baby you been a good he’s been a very well behaved young man once he woke up he’s caught up out of here caught along here and was cling up the cage awesome
with no more pain from the tight ankle ring Gerardo is confident Hector’s nervous feather plucking will now stop oh yeah is that is that better than it was before Oh yes absolutely w w that’s actually a good sign no it is a good sign oh Hector you pick your moment cocka live for 60 years sometimes longer that is a multi-generational commitment so we going and see Mommy now I know that he is going to be loved for decades to come we going to go home now oh he’s like yeah get me home I’m hungry thank
you oh no look at that look at that Legion Audrey and Allison have just discovered ringworm is the cause of Mickey’s badly inflamed skin they’re now concerned the highly contaged fungal infection could have spread to Mickey’s housemate Rubin you can see he’s quite wet and he looks a little bit oily cuz we washed all the lesions and we actually popped a cream on okay the first test we did was shine an ultraviolet light all over his skin and what that looks for is fungus M so if he has got fungal lesions they’ll tend to
Glow an apple green color and he was positive all over oh and That’s a classic ringworm it also means that I need to check Ruben to make sure he hasn’t caught it good luck with that so Reuben the other cat is sitting there really nicely on the chair looking really chilled but we know Reuben and he can be quite feisty so it’s actually going to be a challenge to do this test 19-year-old rubben does not like vets what do you think the best way is for us to approach him I think just the two of you get in there and just do the tough
love you know one holds him one end and the other end um because yeah he’s he’s not going to like it oh Ruben this a okay we’re just going to shine a light on [Music] you okay okay okay okay we so Reuben isn’t as nice as you think he’s putting up a bit of a struggle he’s growling he’s scratching ringworm is highly contagious so despite his protests the girls are determined to thoroughly check grumpy reuben reuben Ruben’s looking pretty good we can’t see any lows we check the whole surface of him
ribbons so clear bill of health and no fungus there thank you bye-bye a big part of treating the cat is also treating the environment because these funguses release spores into the environment anyone can pick it up so we need to give it a really good vacuum and also wipe down the surface as you can with diluted bleach is probably the best option um so really good vacuum of all the areas that Mickey lies in yeah great extra housework mhm with regular treatment Mickey should be ring worm free in a few
[Music] weeks hey Ash what you got there this is Simba Simba Simba likes to chew on things oh dear that’s he likes Daddy’s woolly socks socks yeah and he’s had a a few B at the emergency hospital on the go Coast Alex has found herself at the center of a missing soof mystery oh dear that’s not a good start the culprit is a grumpy Burmese called Simba brought in by worried owners Shane and Kylie this morning I was out at the supermarket getting groceries and Shane’s giving me a call and he said a
little Fell’s not good something’s not right and he’s notorious for playing with a pair of Shane’s Woolen socks so Shane’s gone out this morning and no notic that some of the sock is actually missing we don’t know whether he’s eating something whether he’s just not himself you know this morning he was um you know gets up he bounds around and we tried to pick him up and he’s meowing a bit so we’re like yeah something’s definitely wrong I just get some vital signs to start with but now Alex has to try to find out
if Simba is guilty or just grumpy when cats behave like this it can be an indication of pain but it’s also possible that Simba just doesn’t want to be at the Vets today I can actually hear him growling so I feel like I feel like this is not going to go very well Sim all right something with cats like this they’ve got like a tolerance Point once we get past that point he’s going to explode I reckon he I think what we might do before we go any further is probably just get some sedation on board before he gets to that
threshold give him a chance to chill out and then we’ll figure out a plan good boy done so great good boy if Simba has eaten his dad sock it’s very serious we could be talking about emergency surgery here oh mate what are we going to do today we’re going to find it hard to to find that sock if you’re not going to be happy with us [Music] okay and we’re here in Sydney Audrey and Allison are on their way to visit a very special managerie here we go brother and sister David and Christine have huge
Hearts when it comes to animals in need good boy we’ve got Jakey Danny Cody and Gracie the cat three of them are 15 and one’s eight love it their family they all need individual walks diets attention different personalities get people coming up to say have a look at the baby and then when they see it’s Cody the dog they’re kind of like oh hi Christine hi hi David Christine and David have hearts of gold they’ve taken on all these animals they all have complex medical needs and they just give all their love attention and
time to these animals there’s nothing they wouldn’t do hey Jakey today the girls are here to treat elderly Jake Jake’s a 15-year-old golden retriever I’ve been seeing him for a couple of weeks now and he’s just got a nonhealing wound on his leg you’ve been so good just sitting here letting Auntie Audrey do her thing he was walking up and down the stairs and he kept knocking it on the edge of the stair he has got bad arthritis in that left leg so we just want to have a look how it’s healing today pretty much every visit has been
getting better and better um the wounds granulating well not all our patients will just sit here he’s definitely one of a kind isn’t he you’re welcome to sleep if you want so that’s healing really nicely and that’s actually shrunk so the skin is now starting to contract into the granulation tissue and grow across and that pink tissue is actually what we want to see the more red and bleedy the better it is yes so we’ll give it a clean up and then we might do acupuncture therapy on it yes yeah so we
swap places now okay my turn I’m using a combination of laser and electroacupuncture what we do is a little technique called encircling the dragon where where we put points all around the legion sort of in a circle and hopefully that should speed up healing is jaky going to feel that no it’s just going to be like a little bit of a tickle M sort of a pulsation a bit of a warm feeling it’s very relaxing I feel like I’m going to fall asleep I think he Jak no oh jaky that’s jaky what did you have for
dinner obviously he must have had an upset stomach made it embarrassing thank you you’re fuing it my way we’ll bandage up that leg now going to pop some Manuka Honey on there first cuz that’s great for healing and it’s also antibacterial wants to be the center of attention it’s not happening all right last layer Jakey what do you think about the orange bones doesn’t like it well Danny approves there you go one more Magic Touch with love all right Jak all done all done let’s see how you go walking on that
bandage come up having the home visits from a mobile vet is fantastic particularly for having older animals good boy well done he’s now well and truly on the road to mend been very good well behaved for us y time for an up I think bye jaky bye Jak see you next time [Music] okay puppy time today I’m coming to see a couple of really good friends of mine and I can’t wait Jess and Adrian are together thanks to Matchmaker Danny Danny approached me and told me about this fabulous man she knew and that she
thought we would be Well Suited is hello gorgeous how are you good how are you now Jess and Adrien have a new little addition to their family Eno my goodness hello it’s nice to meet you too oh my gosh you’re the cutest little puppy and hi sorry how are you good oh you are the cutest little man hey yes you are I am so thrilled seeing the two of them so happy together and now they have this gorgeous little fur baby and this happy little family hello oh hello oh hello so today I want to do a bit of a
health check and get his vaccinations up to date let’s have a little look in your mouthy oh you’re a little Nipper have a look in therey oh beautiful beautiful let’s have a little listen to your heart now mate hey good boy a good boy that all sounds fantastic good boy hey just having a little feel of his patellas just making sure that they’re not like s but they feel good so is there any health issues that we need to be considerate of with mini dashies yeah unfortunately the big thing that they
get is invertible disc disease so spinal issues it doesn’t tend to present till they’re sort of 3 to 5 years of age so nothing to worry about in the short term but certainly being mindful of that not having him jump up and down from Heights and that sort of thing is good good boy today I’ll be giving Enzo his 10 to 12 week vaccine and vaccine are really important because it protects them from various infectious diseases first component is just an oral vaccination so I’m just going to squirt it into his mouth y okay oh good boy
well done I’m just going to give you a little needle now mate sorry Pop All right so lots of distraction up the front oh so brave so vaccination all done so where are we up to with parasite control um the breeder said that he will be covered up to 8 weeks it’s really important that all puppies and dogs have parasite control on board I would recommend we use the product that’s going to cover your fleas mites most of your intestinal worms and heartworm and they’re the big problem parasites that we need to deal with you
just need to dribble this onto the skin so just part the hair and make sure it’s getting straight onto the skin a [Music] daring here’s to Enzo in his first little health check Cheers Cheers here’s your matchmaking scools oh thank you I’ll take that yeah not [Music] fair all right let’s check on your little man how you going in there you chilled out a little bit hey are we going to be friends now Alex is still trying to get to the bottom of a mysterious missing sock and needs to find out if 88-year-old Simba is the
culprate Simba spent a lot of time in hospital when he was younger so he is not a fan of vets and Shane warned me he can go from zero to 100 in the blink of an eye so we’ve decided we’re going to do all of the Diagnostics while he’s asleep you’re a bit more friendly while you’re sleepy yeah isn’t he beautiful and soft now we can actually touch him touch him you’re not completely asleep are you Simba in general cats are pretty sensible with what they put in their mouths but burmes do have a reputation
so the possibility that he has eaten something it’s there can hear you peing I’m not sure it’s purring I reckon he’s swearing under his breath at us actually Alex first wants to do an ultrasound to see if the sock shows up in Simba’s intestine oh M that beautiful coat of yours it’s all got to go it’ll grow back an intes obstruction in an animal can seriously damage the bow it can be [Music] life-threatening all right let’s have a look so if if it is a sock especially a big woolly sock we chances are we’re
going to see it on the ultrasound we’re looking for any evidence of we call Dropout which is where the ultrasound waves can’t go through and that can be an obstruction an object sock or or something else okay I’m not seeing anything I don’t think there’s a sock in there so the ultr sound’s clear which is good news there’s nothing that I’m seeing that looks like a sock or any other blockage I think we should do an x-ray yeah just to be sure [Music] yeah oh good moment of treat Timba not seeing anything that worries
me too much all right we know there’s nothing on the X-ray so what we don’t know is exactly what’s wrong I think we should check him over for a tick yeah do you reckon you could go all over him yeah run your hands over him just go from end to end just make sure there’s no no ticks there anywhere we’re always worried about ticks in this part of the world and Shane and Kylie did mention that Simba had had some raggedy breathing I can’t find anything no no no okay all right was worth a worth a look
for sure let’s I reckon let’s get him back to bed and wake him up yeah no worries come on buddy Simba doesn’t have a blockage but I still don’t know what’s wrong with him kin just watch him when he wakes up and I know that he’s going to be too happy once he’s awake [Music] go hi R hello in Bondi Kate has good news for Sarah Rufus has been cleared of Addison’s disease and there’s no sign of a urinary tract infection he is so much better he’s not straining no great and he looks like he’s back to his happy
little Tampa yes hope to see you again but not too soon okay I know I love you away a little alligator thanks so much for everything come on Ry yeah come on good [Music] one hey M you awake hey buddy bures Simba is now awake following his ultrasound and x-ray it’s good news that you didn’t swallow the sock that’s a relief Simba seems less than impressed that he was blamed for Shane’s missing sock Simba is brighter this morning he’s had a little bit to eat and I think he’s ready to go home I’m really looking forward to
reuniting Simba with Shane and Kylie hey guys got someone here who’s very much looking forward to seeing you he is their baby and they really missed him last night he’s lost a bit of of um hair on his tummy but it’ll grow back that’s where his ultra sound oh you’re holding on mate H love look at him with his little shaved belly really lonely time wasn’t it yeah we felt really like going home was missing and you’re like you feel like you hear a a noise or something now and again you’re like oh that’s him and no it’s not him
yeah he’ll get a lot of love lot of love W you he’s obviously done well with you guys because honestly he’s in a lot better mood so well done Alex yeah no he was a champion so take him home him lots of love thank you okay the main thing is that we ruled all those things out so the mystery of Shane’s woolly sock continues but at least we know it’s not in [Music] Simba Dan to Tim I got hio right at the gate if you could bring that van over that’d be great mate at the Australian reptile Park it’s a big day for Hugo the
tortoise Roger Roger see you in a minute Hugo is a gpus tortoise he looks healthy and fine but our best indicator of health is to weigh him that’s not easy we need industrial scales like that at the vet for weighing large animals so we have to take Hugo to the vet at least once a year gaps are really intelligent and it’s fair to say that Hugo doesn’t really like the process he spotted me yeah mate he’s trying to head away now we better do this quick I saw him he froze and he’s like oh no it’s all
right buddy it’s all right well he looks good mate yeah exactly monitoring that weight and also too his size in general is just the best way to judge if he’s truly healthy but to me he looks spot he looks good for an old man now the challenge starts we’ve got to lift this lump of a tortoise into the van you Lim was that I’m already ready Mur you style Hugo he’s 70 years old he could max out at 200 years old and 260 kilos mate he’s off mate we better go we better go he’s quick he’s quick this is
it okay ready one two let’s just try and get in close Tim Needs A Plan B if he has any chance of moving heavyweight Hugo [Music] things might get messy today Gerard is now on his way to help out make Carl with one of his new foundings good girl Carl has a big problem Clover is the teenager the Adolescent she’s high energy high-spirited and all she wants to do is play all day long H love big Shaggy W she’s only like about one and a half so not not very old but when you see her she’s distinctly bigger than
like how do you go with the Slime the the drool I just don’t wear my work clothes around her immediately I can tell that Clover has a problem she is indeed overweight does she still Willows food or oh absolutely yeah and she just eats at such a fast pace as well like you know she wols it down got kiss this if she remains this way she’s going to develop degenerative joint issues in the future have a feel of Willow significantly different right hey definitely different and when you look from the top down Willow has like a nice
waist yep Clover is a bit straight one thing that people commonly do is just reduce their food and the reason that’s not so good is because it may lead to nutrient deficiency it makes them more hungry and it actually makes them beg more so they get more annoying more slobbery might even start eating things in the garden just to fill their stomach she’s eating a rock already did it come out or uh no that was a very expensive visit to the vet wow I can imagine now that we have determined that Clover is indeed overweight I’ve got
something special for her it is specifically designed to turn up the metabolism activate fat burning Pathways which will help shred Clover’s weight and get her back on track okay I don’t think we have any issues eating it is not a problem for her so we’ll actually make it feel Fuller yeah it actually does make them feel better she’s already going for the bag she’s looking for the ones you dropped here go very nice to meet you but I think I’ve had enough of your slobber too I need to go home and have a
shower and a change of clothes [Music] one just try get close at the Australian reptile Park Tim and his team are struggling to lift massive elderly Tois Hugo can you give us a hand for a minute it’s obvious after the first lift this is too heavy for four people we need help just take some weight let’s make this quick guys ready we’ll just get him close turn him around [Music] fingers yep back door shuts it yeah heavy I don’t remember him being like that he’s in we have to get to the vet now you know I can feel Hugo in the back
unless it’s you C old string be there I can feel him I can feel the whole weight just the weight in the back yep unbelievable Hugo will be weighed at a nearby Animal Hospital that’s if the 70-year-old cooperates and we’ll slide him out when you can get a hand on just get a hand on with six of us Hugo’s weight is distributed but it’s still very heavy and it’s very awkward let’s just go out and down our preferred option is to put him on the ground and lure him with some food so he walks himself if he doesn’t go in we have to
lift but that’s a long lift and it’s not easy I think he’s looking at Gabriella’s plants you guys not playing ball he didn’t get the message he doesn’t want to walk 1 2 three ladi’s right there we have to do it we’ll just take him all the way into the scales okay that’s it okay all off eventually we get him on but then the surprise comes at official we yeah he’s actually lost some weight about 3 kilos that’s the first time in history he’s lost weight seasonal change maybe fluid feal all those things come together yeah that’s
why we waiting come on big guy let’s get you home 1 2 3 Hugo’s lost 3 kilos it instantly Sparks the concern because he’s never done that before fun on just watch those front legs but when you weigh 100 70 plus kilos that’s a really marginal fluctuation so we’ll monitor that instead of coming back to the vet in a year we’ll come back in 3 months otherwise he looks Tip Top one two boy all right right I’m going to leave you with it all right thanks Tim well [Music] done 2 weeks later Hector the cocka 2
has fully recovered after having a tight f removed from his leg with zimber in the clear his owners report there’s still no sign of that missing sck and it’s good news for torto Shell Pat Nikki with his nasty ring worm now under control oh you’re looking so much better let’s take our medicine Down the Hatch beautiful [Music]